During her emergence in the late 1960s-1970s, Kishori Amonkar’s music quickly became synonymous with an uncompromising presentation of Indian classical vocal music – i.e. a deeply authentic and personal interpretation of Indian Raga.
Shedding the norms of music culture at the time, her music reflects her own interpretation of life and shows a departure from the orthodox style of her seniors, while her completely individual artistry and nuanced understanding of Bhav (feeling or emotion) allowed her [and other contemporaries] to usher in a new era of classical music – the romanticist movement.
In this mix, we explore a number of unpublished recordings interfaced with Kishori Amonkar’s musings on her own art and the art-form, delving not only into her intelligence and fearlessness as an artist, but also her vulnerability through her music.
Meeting Rivers #01 features Ragas Nandshree, Bilaskhani Todi, Bahaduri Todi, Khem Kalyan and Bhoop – mixed and produced by Sach Dhanjal & Kam Bhogal, with audio restoration and mastering by Jazz Bhandal.
Featured by The Vinyl Factory